Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Incorporated July 21, 2009

July 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Foundation

COM = Cross on the Moon

COM filed papers of incorporation in the State of Pennsylvania on July 20th, 2009. This was 40 years after the first man stepped on the moon. We filed papers with the IRS 5 days later for tax exemption. We expected a favorable letter before 2009 tax returns were due April 15, 2010. Instead, we received our tax-exempt status on July 22, 2011.

Our Fed ID is 27-0464654

Our State ID is 3894863

We filed with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a charitable organization. We also published our intent to incorporate as a non-profit with the Pittsburgh Legal Journal and the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

COM has 5 directors from which we draw three officers:  executive director (president), secretary, and treasurer. No board member receives a salary.