Tuesday, February 11, 2025



The very act of placing a Cross on the moon will remind us of its impact on our lives.  The way of the Cross, runs through our churches, our homes and neighborhoods, our schools and playgrounds, our businesses, and our battlefields.  The Cross is up and down — over and around all that is important to us.  The Cross is present wherever decisions are being made.

Wherever He leads us, we carry our Cross. We are going to the heavens and beyond. It is fitting that we remember Who made all things possible. It is our symbol that means many good and comforting things to billions of people.

Our moon has been revered by mankind throughout the ages.  Placing the Cross there will be an accomplishment understood by generations. The glow of the moon, in all of its phases, will add special comfort to Christians when the Cross is there.

  • At the Cross, we pray to Him and praise Him for His many blessings.
  • At the Cross, we confess our sins and ask for His forgiveness.
  • At the Cross, we remember the poor, the vulnerable, the weak, those in prison and those in pain.
  • At the Cross, we commit to be His followers.

“So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves…Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.”

-Galatians 5:16,24
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