Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Pre Launch Status (Nov 09)

November 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Performance Stats

launch newsCOM = Cross on the Moon; Google Lunar X Competition added another team this month to compete for sending a rover to the moon. NASA quantified water ejected from its planned impact with the moon at 25 gallons. This spurred several small business contract announcements for lunar exploration. In very late October we saw a test flight of the first stage Ares I, one replacement component for the Space Shuttle system. On Nov 16, NASA launched Atlantis to the Space Station with 27,250 pounds (12,360 Kg) of cargo. In the cargo was a replacement for the station’s massive main gyroscopes. The Shuttle returned to Florida on 27 November. There are only 5 more scheduled flights.

In COM news we analyzed results from our Octoer newsletter. We distributed to 500 addresses obtained from our board members. Our service reported 140 bounces and 157 opens. We learned much from the experience and will tune our message. Also in November the Federal Tax Exempt office in Chicago began reviewing our application. We answered a dozen questions with a 140 page indexed reference. Some questions were clearly from a misunderstanding of COM’s role in placing a cross on the moon. Once we explained we are sponsors of a yet undisclosed team or teams, we didn’t have to file for safety permits or give details on spacecraft design. COM also dropped the word “Foundation” from our web banner because the context implies deep pocket, sustainable funding. In reality, we represent Christians wanting to praise God in the Heavens. Micro donations can do it and COM volunteers keep exploring ways to get the word out.

I hope this status finds you and family in the joys and wonders of Christmas.

Stay connected to our website and tell your friends to check us out.

I look forward to updating you in December here and with our newsletters.

M.N. Clark, President
Cross on the Moon

That’s My King

November 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Feature Videos

No matter how your day was or what tomorrow may bring or what anxiety may be lurking around the corner, click on this to get clarity about Christ. This comes from Dr. S.M. — Shadrach Meshach — Lockridge of Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego, who once preached on what he knew about God. This three-minute excerpt is nothing like you’ve heard before. Get ready to be reintroduced.